quinta-feira, dezembro 30, 2010

segunda-feira, outubro 18, 2010


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Aqueduto das Águas livres - Lisboa 
Enlargement´s trial´s @ Lightningraph´s  black & white Lab

quinta-feira, setembro 30, 2010

sexta-feira, setembro 17, 2010

sexta-feira, setembro 10, 2010

quinta-feira, setembro 09, 2010

The face of the earth

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The end is soon

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Clouds coming from Sintra


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Docas de Alcantara

Highway to hell

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View from the Bus - A2 - South - North

Movimento no Eixo

Uma sesta e um sonho

quinta-feira, julho 29, 2010

Fishing in Miami

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Fishing is a dream in Miami.
Check out this fishing Museum outdoors.

Sorry. My mistake.
This is not Miami and those fishing gear, are not Museum artfcat´s, it´s real fishing hardware used our days, and this is Paço de Arcos in Lisboa.

Lightning fight

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Fighting myself with light saber

sexta-feira, julho 16, 2010

terça-feira, julho 13, 2010


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One more, from the road...


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Keeping on with the cars, i now present you with one of the nicest VW models.

Check out the history bellow

"Volkswagen," as most everyone knows, translates as "the people's car." Originally, though, the car was named the "KdF-Wagen," with KdF short for "Kraft durch Freude," or "Strength Through Joy"

 Text taken from;



Influence of Tatra

Tatra V570 prototype (1933)
Much of the Beetle’s design was inspired by the advanced Czech Tatra cars, designed under chief engineer Hans Ledwinka. In particular, Tatra’s V570, T97 and T77 models show striking similarities with the later Volkswagen from many angles.
Tatras of the 1930s used streamlined bodies with rear-mounted engines. The T97,[14] which is widely held to be the closest Tatra model to Porsche’s Volkswagen, had a four-cylinder horizontally opposed (‘flat four’) air-cooled engine. On a smaller scale, the company’s V570, a prototype for a smaller car, also shows quite a resemblance to the later German car.
But it wasn’t just Tatra’s aerodynamic styling that influenced Porsche. Tatra had pioneered the use of air-cooling in road vehicle engines with the original T77 in 1934. Air-cooling was demanding technologically, but desirable: there was no anti-freeze in the 1930s[citation needed], so a vehicle could not be left parked for long in cold weather with its coolant in situ. Tatra’s wealthy customers could afford to pay for advanced technology, but Ferdinand Porsche was out on a limb in specifying air-cooling for his people’s car. In the end, it was subsidies from the Nazi government that paid for Porsche’s engineering good taste and brought the convenience of air-cooling to a mass audience — albeit only after World War II.
According to the book Car Wars, Adolf Hitler called the Tatra "the kind of car I want for my highways".[15] In the same book, it is said that Ferdinand Porsche admitted "to have looked over Ledwinka’s shoulder" while designing the Volkswagen.[15] Tatra launched a lawsuit, but this was stopped when Germany invaded Czechoslovakia. At the same time, Tatra was forced to stop producing the T97. The matter was re-opened after World War II and in 1961 Volkswagen paid Tatra 3,000,000 Deutsche Marks in compensation. These damages meant that Volkswagen had little money for the development of new models and the Beetle's production life was necessarily extended. Tatra ceased producing passenger cars in 1950, then resumed again in 1954 as a manufacturer of large luxurious cars and limousines under various Communist governments in Czechoslovakia. Even the company’s last limousines were rear-engined and air cooled.
Tatra is now a truck manufacturer. All its engines are still air-cooled, fulfilling the demands of modern emissions regulations.

Taken from;


quarta-feira, julho 07, 2010

Renault 4 GTL

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Aqui está ele novamente.
o grande carro de guerra.

Renault 4 GTL

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Renault 4 Verde com particularidades únicas :
Pintado a trincha, com alcatrão nos buracos da chapa e na juntas entre partes do carro.
Verdadeiro carro de guerra.


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Torre Vasco da Gama - Reflexo do Rio

Teleférico para o Infinito

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Parque das Nações - Teleférico

quinta-feira, julho 01, 2010

Slingshot men

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Mais uma caricatura, desta vez aos homens que usam homens como arma de guerra.
Mais informações sobre os Autores das pinturas em ; www.cronolisboa.tk

O sumo do planeta Terra

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Bela caricatura das Gasolineiras do nosso mundo.
Mais informações sobre os Autores da pintura em ; www.cronolisboa.tk
ou em;     http://blublu.org/sito/blog/?paged=4 
e ainda em ;

Obrigado Isabel, pela ajuda na pesquisa destes senhores pintores! love u.

quarta-feira, junho 16, 2010

Six o´clock moon

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Brighton Clock Tower


James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix

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Pintura na parede de uma casa.


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Gravura fotografada no British Museum em Londres

"Rinoceronte de Dürer é uma xilogravura criada pelo artista alemão Albrecht Dürer em 1515. A imagem foi baseada numa descrição por escrito e um rascunho executado por um autor desconhecido de um rinoceronte indiano que foi levado até Lisboa no início daquele ano, juntamente com um elefante. Dürer nunca chegou a ver o rinoceronte real, que foi o primeiro exemplar vivo a ser visto na Europa desde a época do Império Romano. Ainda nesse ano o rei de Portugal Manuel I enviou o animal de presente para o Papa Leão X. Infelizmente o papa nunca chegou a ver o seu presente, pois o navio que levava o animal naufragou na costa italiana em 1516 e o rinoceronte morreu no naufrágio. A espécie só foi novamente avistada quando um segundo rinoceronte chegou da Índia à corte de Filipe II de Espanha, Filipe I de Portugal, por volta de 1579." -
Retirado da WIKIPÉDIA - http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rinoceronte_de_D%C3%BCrer